
AutodeskLicense.ThissoftwareisfreetostudentsandavailabledirectlyfromAutodesk.AcquiringtheSoftware.,2022年3月30日—Autodesk®hasofferedquiteafewlicensingtypesovertheyears.Formerly,theyprovidedtheirproductsthroughperpetuallicensing, ...,LookingforanAutodesklicenseorsubscription?Ourplansfornamedusersprovideadministrativeandsupportcapabilitiesfororganizationsofallsizes.,Torequestahomeuselicense,goto...

Autodesk License

Autodesk License. This software is free to students and available directly from Autodesk. Acquiring the Software.

New Autodesk Licensing Types and How They Affect You

2022年3月30日 — Autodesk® has offered quite a few licensing types over the years. Formerly, they provided their products through perpetual licensing, ...

Plans For Product Subscriptions

Looking for an Autodesk license or subscription? Our plans for named users provide administrative and support capabilities for organizations of all sizes.

Request a license for home use

To request a home use license, go to Contact Support and complete the form to create a case. Although some fields on the form are marked as optional, be sure to ...

View product license information

You can monitor your current license information for each product in Autodesk Account. Sign in to your account at


請參閱隨附的讀我檔案,以取得完整安裝指示。 注意事項:依預設,NLM 工具會安裝在C:-Autodesk-Network License Manager 中。


Windows:C:-Autodesk-Network License Manager-Licenses; macOS:/Users/<使用者>/local/flexnetserver; Linux:/opt/flexnetserver ...


規劃方式將根據您的作業系統而有所不同。對於Windows 網路伺服器,請使用Network License Manager (NLM) 隨附的LMTOOLS 公用程式。